The resplendent waif; the Queen of Excess.

Vesna's hair is as dark as the shadows she controls and her eyes are as crimson as the blood she conjures. The miasma of cigarette stink that clings to her is drowned out by a saccharine veneer of sinka perfume. Her makeup is minimalistic; a thin stroke of eyeliner on the upper eye, nothing more. Freckles form a mask on her face, running underneath her eyes and over the bridge of her nose.

Opulent robes adorn her lissome figure, white fabric embellished with intricate geometric designs. Two bracelets adorn her right wrist, one rugged and one lavish. The former is a black leather wristlet with golden spikes protruding from it, the latter is a sumptuous golden bangle inlaid with sapphires. A silver ring sporting a polished chunk of ruby is wrapped around the ring finger of her right hand.

Holstered at her hip beneath her flowing robes is a mythril revolver lined with runic ley lines that imbue it with power, as well as ornamental engravings that do nothing besides satisfy Vesna's eye for splendor. The grip of it is wrapped in a veneer of wood, little indents sized just for her fingers spaced apart along it.

Her cadence matches her countenance, both bordering the liminal space between aloof and charismatic, ready to dip either which way at the drop of a hat. Her stride is confident; the girl is poised to the point of narcissism.